King Carthur
King Carthur

King Carthur

Wax applicator King Carthur Soft Finger Mitt

A high-quality, hand-sewn wax applicator that makes applying wax even easier! The soft material will not scratch the surface being treated.

Product ratings
Based on 467 reviews
  1. 5
    Bengtsson J 2.9.2024
  2. Applicerade läderbehandling på en M-ratt. Perfekt för ändamålet!
    Henriksson P 18.6.2024
  3. Paha sanoakku oli hukkunu matkan varrell :/
    Korva J 27.4.2024
    Kingcarthur: Hei! Pahoittelut tästä! Siinä on täytynyt käydä p...
  4. Hyvä, tilasin jo uuden satsin.
    Rosenstam K 19.9.2023
  5. Voisi olla paksumpaa materiaalia, hyvä muoto
    Lahdenranta S 19.7.2023
  6. Hyvin leviää vaha näillä, näppärästi kavennettu kärki yltää hiukan syvemmällekin vahapurkkiin.
    Riissanen M 20.6.2023
  7. Helt okej, kör nog heller med en duk
    Andersson D 26.5.2023
  8. Näillä oli helppo levittää colliniten autovaha. Eikä levitin mennyt puhkikaan.
    A J 27.4.2023
  9. Kyllä näillä nyt vahan levittää mutta jatkokehitystä kaipaa. Tippuu käsistä koko ajan
    Koivikko T 17.11.2022
  10. Suverän vaxpåstrykare som tar till sig, i mitt fall, mycket flytande hårdvax vilket underlättar påstrykningen!
    Jamte D 19.10.2022
Product Faq
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A high-quality, hand-sewn wax applicator that makes applying wax even easier! The soft material will not scratch the surface being treated.

King Carthur's Finger Mitt is a really handy wax applicator, whose innovative design makes applying wax much easier, making working more ergonomic. The applicator's design also allows you to dispense wax directly from the wax can. The surface of the Finger Mitt is significantly softer than that of traditional wax applicators, and is therefore much gentler on the surface being treated. The wax stays between the applicator and the surface being worked on and does not completely absorb into the applicator, which also allows you to use wax more sparingly. The applicator gives a good finger feel to the surface and makes it easy to get through even the most difficult places. The Finger Mitt is at its best with solid hard waxes, and can be used on either four or three fingers, depending on your taste.


  • Product: Wax applicator King Carthur Soft FingerMitt
  • Used for: Applying wax
  • Pack sizes: Available in packs of 1, 2, 4 and 10
  • Machine washable 40°C
  • The spreader won't fall out of your hands