A super-effective, combined iron remover and cleaner for rims, etc. Easy to apply and fast-acting formula will change your perception of iron removers.
A super-effective, combined iron remover and cleaner for rims, etc. Easy to apply and fast-acting formula will change your perception of iron removers.
King Carthur Iron Remover is a fast-acting and effective, yet gentle, combined iron removal and wheel cleaner. The agent removes all iron-based dirt, from brake dust to metal particles embedded in the surface, quickly and effectively, from both rims and paintwork. There is no need to worry about the durability of the wax surface, as the agent is also completely wax-safe. In addition to iron-reactive ingredients, it contains effective washing ingredients, which means that even the toughest dirt on rims can be removed along with brake dust in the same treatment. King Carthur Iron Remover is suitable for removing iron from both rims and paintwork.
The composition of Iron Remover is somewhere between a pure liquid and a gel-like composition. This way, the best of both worlds can be utilized: Like liquid substances, the substance is easy to apply with a spray bottle, but the slightly gel-like composition allows for a longer exposure time without the substance drying on the surface. A longer exposure time achieves better cleaning results, especially when removing very stubborn dirt (e.g. burnt-on brake dust or large iron particles), because when removing a thick layer of dirt, it takes time for the substance to penetrate through the dirt. With liquid iron removers, there is a risk that the substance will dry on the surface before it has a deeper effect.
The substance changes color to dark red when it reacts with iron-containing particles, which not only shows the washer where and how much iron has accumulated, but also tells when the dirt has been dissolved and the surface is ready for rinsing. If iron removal has not been carried out for a while, the side of the car may be covered with red runoff all over. However, this is not something to be alarmed about, it only indicates that the substance is doing its job.
Shake before use. The spray bottle has two spray settings: a narrow spray and a wide mist. Unlock the nozzle and turn the nozzle to the desired spray direction.
Paintwork: Iron removal is carried out on the entire car as part of a thorough cleaning, after pre- and hand washing stages. After washing, it is advisable to dry at least most of the water from the surfaces so that the iron remover does not dilute the water on the surface. Shake the bottle thoroughly before use. Spray Iron Remover evenly onto the surfaces to be treated. Let the substance act for approx. 5-10 minutes, but do not let it dry. Rinse the surface thoroughly and continue to the next step.
TIP: To minimize the consumption of the substance, Iron Remover can be sprayed onto the surface in a "here and there" manner, after which it is applied evenly to the surface with, for example, a microfiber applicator (or, in the case of rims, a suitable rim brush).
If you want to maximize the cleaning effect, it is a good idea to spray the substance onto the surface, let it act for 2-4 minutes, and then wipe the surface gently with a microfiber cloth, for example. This will remove the dirt that has already been loosened from the surface, and allow the substance to penetrate deeper into the iron particles that are still on the surface.
Rims: Iron removal on rims is usually carried out in the same way as on the paint surface, i.e. after removing loose dirt. This allows the agent to affect the iron-containing dirt that other agents do not remove.
However, due to the effectiveness of King Carthur's Iron Remover, a clean-looking result can be achieved very easily if desired: spray the product onto the rims for about 5 minutes before pre-washing. After the exposure time, foam the car, including the rims (do not rinse the Iron Remover off in between). Let the foam work on the surface, then rinse the foam and iron remover off carefully.
Do not use in direct sunlight or on hot surfaces. Do not allow the product to freeze.