King Carthur
King Carthur

King Carthur

Plastic conditioner King Carthur New Car Feeling, 500 ml

A very easy-to-use and versatile conditioner that revitalizes and restores color to treated surfaces. Suitable for plastic, vinyl, rubber and leather parts on both interior and exterior surfaces!

Product ratings
Based on 227 reviews
  1. Svåröppnad flaska
    J B 30.10.2024
  2. Bra produkter men fick till mig att de skulle vara mer svärta i så de blev väl en besvikelse. Annars bra produkt.
    J C 28.9.2024
  3. Rekonditionerar enbart i viss grad plast- och gummidetaljer. Tveksamt att använda på andra material. Bildar till skillnad från flera andra motsvarande...
    Carlstedt J 12.9.2024
  4. Arvosta todella paljon tätä ainetta. Antaa hyvän kilon muovi pinoile ja myös hyvän tuoksun ,erittäin riittoisa.
    Pukki J 5.9.2024
  5. Ainakin sisustassa toimii hienosti, ei yhtään tahmea.
    H R 15.8.2024
  6. Todella helppo ja hyvä aine
    Tiainen J 8.8.2024
  7. Toimii kuin odotinkin
    Kantola H 30.7.2024
  8. Verkar funger bra och hålla länge
    Rosenqvist L 22.6.2024
  9. Lätt att använda och luktar gott
    Silfverberg J 27.5.2024
  10. Enormt bra resultat på all svart plast+mc dynan. BMW R1250GS.
    Wallner D 22.5.2024
Product Faq
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A very easy-to-use and versatile conditioner that revitalizes and restores color to treated surfaces. Suitable for plastic, vinyl, rubber and leather parts on both interior and exterior surfaces!

King Carthur New Car Feeling is a very versatile and easy-to-use care product that can restore faded plastic, rubber, leather and vinyl surfaces to their original shine. The care ingredients are absorbed deeply into the surface being treated, which allows, for example, sun-faded plastic surfaces to be revived and restored to their original color. New Car Feeling is suitable for both interior and exterior surfaces of the car, providing long-lasting protection. The effect lasts up to months in the interior and engine room, and up to 4 weeks on exterior surfaces. The substance does not increase the gloss of the treated material, but leaves it looking natural, which also allows it to be used on all surfaces of the cabin without a dazzling effect. New Car Feeling is great for, for example, black plastic moldings on interior and exterior surfaces and in the engine room, rubber door seals, interior vinyl surfaces and even leather steering wheels. Leaves behind a fresh citrus scent, making the car both look and smell new and fresh.

New Car Feeling leaves behind a beautiful, satin finish, renewing and caring for slightly faded plastic and vinyl parts on both exterior and interior surfaces. The product can be used on all interior hard surfaces without making them shiny or unnatural looking. New Car Feeling is supplied as a ready-to-use mixture and is very easy to apply using the included spray head, either directly onto the surface to be treated or onto a clean microfiber cloth.


  • Product: King Carthur New Car Feeling
  • Intended use: Revitalizing plastic, rubber and vinyl surfaces of cars
  • Scent: Fresh citrus
  • Duration:
    • Interior surfaces and engine room: up to 3 months
    • Exterior surfaces: 3-4 weeks
  • Packaging: Plastic bottle with safety cap, spray head included
  • Package size: 500 ml
  • Restores the original tone of the surface
  • Biodegradable
  • Does not contain silicone
  • Suitable for both interior and exterior plastics

User manual

Use only on thoroughly cleaned surfaces. Shake the bottle well before use. The sprayer has two settings: narrow spot spray and wide mist. Unlock the nozzle and turn the nozzle in the direction of the desired spray. Spray the product directly onto the surface to be treated or onto a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Spread the product evenly over the surface and wipe away.

Do not use in direct sunlight or on hot surfaces. Do not allow the product to dry on the surface to be treated. Do not allow the bottle to freeze.