King Carthur
King Carthur

King Carthur

Salt remover King Carthur Salt Remover, 500 ml

A highly effective desalting agent suitable for almost all exterior vehicle surfaces. Used in the first stage of pre-washing to soften burnt-on salt and other stubborn dirt before the actual pre-washing. Pleasant cherry scent!

Product ratings
Based on 26 reviews
  1. Vei suolan kyllä hienosti ja toimi kuten mainostetaan :)
    Reunanen T 28.2.2025
  2. Hyvä aine pullo voisi olla hieman isompi
    Vilen S 27.2.2025
  3. Irroitti suolakuran autosta ihan OK, siitä plussaa. Kuten myös siitä että autossa ollut tuore Gyeon wet coat kästittely tuntui säilyvän prosessissa en...
    Dahl J 24.2.2025
  4. Funker fint en flaske til en vask kanskje litt dyrt ellers fornøyd med resultatet
    Sevkunovs O 24.2.2025
  5. Veldig bra produkt
    Ørslien Ø 12.2.2025
  6. Löste upp saltet bra,luktade lite starkt
    Bergström A 11.2.2025
  7. Tuotteen haju miellyttävä vaikka happoja mukana. Suikepullo toimiva ja sumutin ok. Pesutulos ei ollut sitä mitä tuotteelta olisin odottanut. Etelän su...
    Oksanen N 11.2.2025
  8. Koko pullo meni yhdellä pesukertaa, eikä lopputulos ollut mitenkään mieltä räjäyttävä. Tuote jää hyl...
    N T 10.2.2025
    Kingcarthur: Hei! Pahoittelut että tuote ei ole vastannut odot...
  9. BH TouchLess irrotti paremmin
    R S 3.2.2025
    Kingcarthur: Hei! Pahoittelut että tuote ei ole vastannut odot...
Product Faq
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A highly effective desalting agent suitable for almost all exterior vehicle surfaces. Used in the first stage of pre-washing to soften burnt-on salt and other stubborn dirt before the actual pre-washing. Pleasant cherry scent!

King Carthur Salt Remover is a highly effective pre-wash agent, which, as its name suggests, is intended for removing salt and other difficult winter dirt. Salt and the tall oil-based salt substitute currently used on roads, combined with the fact that there may be weeks, or even months, between car washes in the winter, cause difficult dirt to stick exceptionally tightly to the car. When winter dirt gets stuck, normal pre-wash agents may not necessarily cut through it as desired. King Carthur's Salt Remover has been developed for this very problem: the agent is applied to the surface in the first stage of the pre-wash before the actual foaming of the pre-wash agent, whereby it removes that most difficult layer of dirt from the surface. This ensures that the surface is as clean as possible before it is touched with anything. Salt Remover is suitable for almost all exterior surfaces of the car, i.e. in addition to the paint surface, it can also be used on rims and windows. Unpainted and untreated metal parts should be protected before washing.

Salt Remover is sprayed onto a dry surface so that it can directly affect the dirt layer. The actual pre-wash is only carried out after the Salt Remover has been rinsed off the surface, which means that the toughest dirt film has been softened and the pre-wash agent can bite into the remaining dirt and further enhance the effect of Salt Remover and neutralize residue. The pleasant scent combined with easy use make the agent suitable for every user. Due to its salt removal properties, KC Salt Remover also works excellently for cleaning boats from salt water. Salt Remover is a biodegradable detergent that is delivered as a ready-to-use mixture with a high-quality spray head.


  • Product: King Carthur Salt Remover
  • Intended use: Removal of salt and other stubborn dirt
  • Scent: Cherry
  • Packaging: Plastic bottle with safety cap, spray head included
  • Package size: 500 ml
  • Ready-to-use mixture
  • pH: 3-4
  • Biodegradable

User manual

Shake the bottle thoroughly. The sprayer has two settings: narrow spot spray and wide mist. Unlock the nozzle and turn the nozzle in the direction of the desired spray. Spray Salt Remover onto a dry surface and leave for 1-3 minutes. Do not let it dry. Rinse the surface thoroughly and continue with your normal pre-wash.

NOTE! The substance is acid-based, meaning the surface should be washed with a normal detergent (pre-wash or shampoo) after use to neutralize any residue.

Do not use in direct sunlight or on hot surfaces.

Warning label information: